Cool pic!!!° who could be happier, leaving a CULT!!!!????
Long live the family!
DOC, I LOVE that pic of the hamster selling his wheel!!! Too funny!
my little brother on the left exited the cult after 29 years.. me in the middle.. my older brother on the right stopped his bible study after discovering ttatton youtube videos.. never lose hope guys!.
Cool pic!!!° who could be happier, leaving a CULT!!!!????
Long live the family!
DOC, I LOVE that pic of the hamster selling his wheel!!! Too funny!
my lifelong mental illnesses, fuelled significantly by the borg, are very bad at the moment and result in me missing lots of midweek meetings, but i haven't missed a sunday in years except the occasional vacation.. the nature of my mental and emotional illnesses mean that i, as a physically in and mentally out pimo, take to heart very painfully admonishment from the platform to never miss meetings, preach all i can, and so on.. okay, i report 3 hours each month on average and no elder has ever said anything, but when they make comments on the platform, i feel such great guilt and shame, but also anger, as they do not understand my illnesses and when i do mention my situation to elders, they kind of minimise and joke about it.. some other sisters in my congregation started "officially" not attending midweek meetings a few year's ago because of their own health circumstances, but i know for a fact that some elders look down on them for this reason, not showing real understanding deep down even if they do on the surface.. i have reached the point where i want to hand in a da letter as a cry for help, or more like a clear indicator to them that when i say i'm not well enough to attend midweek, i really mean it and it's not just an excuse.
sure, i'm only 42, but i can still be too fragile to go out at night with a 30 minute drive both ways..
Dear IC, as you will agree, all JWs are raised to feel "responsibility" and "be sure to meet your obligations" "carry out your ministry" "baptism is a pledge to Jehovah" ... it is repeated over and over at meetings and conventions, throughout their literature in all kinds of subtle and not so subtle ways, right?
That is how propaganda works..... That is how brainwashing works... and they know it... that is why they do it.... That is how they get 8 million peope to say "we understand the overlapping generation crap" when they have noooooo idea.....
The hamster wheel.... all JWs are on it. When you are on the hamster wheel, what can you do? Run? Only see one foot ahead of you? Perfect machine to "keep you busy" in the work of the "Lord"/ WT moneymaking business.
Once you stop attending, the brainwashing stops, the guilt disappears. Your brain can make new pathways, and realize "it is just a game."
When I realized "the game" and the lies WT told, I was still going to a few meetings until my family 'got out.' I simply turned in "time" on the "time slip" and felt oh so gooood to give WT what they had given me my whole life..... nothing. It felt great! Write "3 hours, 4 magazines, 1 RV" and do nothing, if you still want to play the game, they have done nothing for you.
Really, give yourself a break, relax, feel no guilt.. there is NO reason to feel it, you owe 'THEM" nothing... it is just a game.
breathe, relax, enjoy!
cha ching!
we all know about the" world famous" jehovahs witnesses who have had successfull careers in the sport and entertainment, and literature world ,and if your new to this board google it.
what about the young jw`s who see this and are told this is not for a jw ,its making a name for yourself where you should be highlighting jehovahs name and his organization.. but do the young ones see the organization taking the successfull jw`s in their field to task for making a name for themselves ?
iwant to be a world skater ?i want to be a 1st class footballer?
I knew a young JW guy (still in high school) who's dad was a faded JW, mom was a reactivated JW, and he decided to give up a career in golfing (he was in the fast track, and thought he really could have made it to the pro) so that he could "do more for Jehovah."
A few years later, he was married.... a few after that, he had a son, a few after that... he woke up.
His dreams were stolen by lies.
....................then you couldn't have been "in the truth" nor was "the truth in you" until july 2013, because that month's watchtower was dedicated to reversing the following 8 "truths" and replacing them with opposing "truths".
you'd been believing and teaching falsehoods.. these are for any new members and those j.w.
's who visit here who have not seen this list before.
Dubstepped: "You will know the truth and the truth will change"! Haha, love it, shall have to use it, sums it all up quite nicely.
Scratchme1010: " alternative realities"....
another good one, I don't see how the GB get away with all this crap!
Phizzy: I view it as a new religion, and they must treat me like someone who has never heard of the JW's, and PROVE to me that what they now teach is " the truth". I pointed out to one of them that I could not be called an Apostate either, as I had never held the beliefs they now subscribe to.
The last guy, a couple of weeks ago, I said to him, having just told him the above, " None of the Elders I have said this to have tried to prove the latest "truth" to me, and neither will you !"
He just walked off saying he will see me "around".
And why won't they try to "prove it"? They can't, they don't even know themselves, but somehow, walking off, saying, "see ya" makes them feel very proud.
the judge of all the earth always does what is right.
intended as a confidence builder in the organization ..see what you think.. theme is from deuteronomy but it is really highlighting that passage in genesis where abraham had a dialogue with god, (gen.18) would god destroy sodom if 50 righteous men would perish?
Blues Brother: Abraham had a dialogue with God, (Gen.18) Would God destroy Sodom if 50 righteous men would perish? Or less? down to 10 men it went.
When I read this scripture (in the past, whilst "still in") I would ask, "If Abraham can question God, if the disciples can question Jesus, why can't I question the GB?
Why are people DF'd for "speaking abusively of the glorious ones"?
is a bag man.. i take bags with me everywhere: paper and canvas shopping bags, designer sacs, wine-tote bags, and so forth.
there is so much to transport, drop off, and new stuff to bring to my digs.
an assortment awaits me in the foyer as i head out to do some long-postponed and needed acquisition.
My sister read this, and had to make me tell this joke:
If the mom was a bag lady.........
What was her son?.....
A 'bag-ette'
we were just musing that jws act in a "flirtatious" manner with people in the community.. they show such "sincere" interest in people when they call.
they seem like such kind, caring and thoughtful people - really interested in their lives and welfare.. people are often quite impressed with the jws manner, and their well dressed presentation.
people (especially vulnerable ones who are going through difficult pressures in life), are drawn in and made to feel special by the witnesses as they call back.. return visits take place.
stuckinarut2, you have such interesting observations.... When I read your OP, it dawned on me (or it put into words) the weird feelings I used to get listening to JWs giving their "well rehearsed" presentations at the door.
Smile, everyone.... hahahaha..... "look around, check for toys, etc., find something to connect with the householder to get common ground"
Your right... it is like flirting!
today my husband was on his way to meet a friend.
the purpose of the meeting was to discuss how to have a bill introduced into congress, which would require non-profit institutions to report child abuse to the authorities.
the penalty for not reporting would be a fine.. one of the motives behind this effort, is to raise awareness about child sex abuse.
Haha, good one Simon... "We value our fake reputation more than the welfare of your children." That should make the point clear shouldn't it?
YES, Flipper! It is the first step in getting those brain wheels rolling. Who knows, right!?!
today my husband was on his way to meet a friend.
the purpose of the meeting was to discuss how to have a bill introduced into congress, which would require non-profit institutions to report child abuse to the authorities.
the penalty for not reporting would be a fine.. one of the motives behind this effort, is to raise awareness about child sex abuse.
I agree, either way.... fines, "to make it publicly humiliating" or revoke their 'charitable' status... to openly show they are not "God's true organization."
But it was kinda cool to get witnesses to say "I agree, I think they should report it to the police or get fined" (oops, quotes again... I love quotes)
That way, when the 'news comes out' and witnesses start hearing more about "The Organization" discouraging reporting child sex abuse crimes to the police, they will have something to think about.
i've seen very few carts in western australia.
the only one i have seen is near the front entrance of the perth royal hospital and on the several occasions that i have seen it, they are there all day, at least during the week.
i've stopped and had long conversations twice now and both times when i have approached them they've told me to take whatever publications interest me and then we've started talking.this last visit i brought up the royal commission.
Great experience, Listener... I always enjoy hearing how witnesses 'reason' when told about the Royal Commission.
They say, 'the Commission praised them for being so organized'? Sounds like what one woman (a JW) where I work reasoned with me: 'Our literature is printed in over 200 languages,' (which means "that is why we are the true religion, no one else can do that", remember?)
I wonder if witnesses just hear bits and pieces about the Royal Commission in a talk or letter, but, like the "Society" always does, leaves out the most relevant parts.
Thanks for sharing, very interesting!